7th District lawmakers to host telephone town hall meeting March 27

Telephone format allows listeners to participate from across North-Central and Northeastern Washington

Rep. Andrew Engell, Sen. Shelly Short, and Rep. Hunter Abell. / Credit: Washington State Legislature

OLYMPIA – Lawmakers from the 7th Legislative District will host a telephone town hall meeting March 27, giving residents of North-Central and Northeastern Washington a convenient way to speak to their elected officials about the 2025 legislative session.

Sen. Shelly Short, R-Addy, Rep. Hunter Abell, R-Inchelium and Andrew Engell, R-Colville, will host the hour-long meeting, which begins at 6 p.m.

The telephone town hall format offers people across the sprawling 7th District an opportunity to speak directly to their lawmakers. Many residents will receive calls shortly before the town hall begins, inviting them to participate. To call in to participate, dial (509) 361-1818 shortly before the event begins.

The 7th District lawmakers will discuss legislation being considered in this year’s session, including major tax increases, measures to restrict Second Amendment rights, and proposals to weaken tough anti-crime initiatives approved by Washington voters. Other hot topics this year include rent control, a per-mile road-usage charge, unemployment insurance for striking workers, and increased control of local school curriculums and policies from Olympia.

The 7th Legislative District is the state’s largest, covering 20 percent of its land mass, encompassing Ferry, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, and Stevens counties, and parts of Spokane, Douglas and Chelan counties.