Rep. Shelly Short’s Update from Olympia (10/10/13): A call to action on climate change meetings!
Dear Friends and Neighbors, I wanted to remind you about the upcoming public meetings of the Climate Legislative Executive Workgroup (CLEW) that will be taking place on October 16th in Spokane and October 23rd in Seattle. I recently discovered that FUSE has hired a person specifically to get progressive-leaning folks...
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Rep. Shelly Short’s Update from Olympia (9/26/13)
Dear Friends and Neighbors, With the kids back in school, the leaves starting to change colors and the crisp autumn air starting to settle in, I thought it would be good to send you a quick update. Talk of a gas tax increase continues… While we were successful in defeating...
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Governor signs Short’s veterans bill into law
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 14, 2013 CONTACT: Brendon Wold, Deputy Communications Director – (360) 786-7698 Governor signs Short’s veterans bill into law Veterans living outside Washington who’ve been disabled in the line of duty will find it cheaper and easier to hunt and fish in our state thanks to...
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Rep. Short’s Update from Olympia (4/28/13)
Rep. Short’s Update from Olympia (4/28/13)
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Gov. Inslee signs two bills sponsored by Rep. Shelly Short
Gov. signs Rep. Short's bills to bring more accountability and transparency to state agencies
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Eastern Washington residents earn right to protect against wolf attacks
After months of negotiations and legislative public hearings about how to address threats posed by gray wolves in northeast and north central Washington, the state Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted an emergency rule that allows people to lethally remove a gray wolf without a permit in order to protect their...
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April 30 telephone town hall to connect state legislators, district residents
Seventh Legislative District residents are encouraged to participate in an upcoming telephone town hall hosted by their legislators: Sen. John Smith and Reps. Shelly Short and Joel Kretz. The hour-long community conversation will take place Tuesday, April 30 at 7 p.m. Individuals wishing to participate should call 1-877-229-8493 on Tuesday...
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Rep. Shelly Short’s Update from Olympia (4/17/13)
Rep. Shelly Short’s Update from Olympia (4/17/13)
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Opinion editorial by Reps. Joel Kretz and Shelly Short: Unemployment levels show need to focus on job creation, not more taxation
Reps. Joel Kretz and Shelly short give a detailed outline of the job-creation policies they support in the Legislature and how the governor and House Democrats would rather create a larger tax burden on citizens than enact smart policies that get Washington working.
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