7th District legislators fight for taxpayer protections
‘The voters want tax increases to be a last resort not the first option when it comes to dealing with years of overspending,’ says Kretz Washington state taxpayers had their voices silenced today as majority Democrats in the state House of Representatives approved legislation repealing voter-approved Initiative 960, the Taxpayers...
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Short e-newsletter: Feb. 11, 2010
Feb. 11, 2010 Dear Friends, While you are hard at work trying to make ends meet, the Democratic majority is working hard to increase your taxes. This weekend you have the opportunity to tell them exactly what you think about their plans to take more of your hard-earned...
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Eastern Washington legislators to host town hall meeting Jan. 30 to discuss potential Pine Lodge corrections facility closure
Lawmakers want public input, feedback on governor’s proposal to close women’s corrections facility In response to the many public inquiries and potential public safety issues due to the proposed closure of the Pine Lodge Corrections Center For Women in Medical Lake, local Senate and House lawmakers will host a...
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Short e-newsletter: Jan. 20, 2010
Jan. 20, 2010 Dear Friends and neighbors, I’ve found these email updates to be a great way to reach you and other constituents with important news and information affecting our district and state. But election year restrictions limit my ability to send out these e-newsletters unless you agree to...
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7th District representatives to host telephone town hall Monday, Jan. 25
Reps. Joel Kretz and Shelly Short will host a town hall over the phone for their constituents Monday, Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. To participate, callers should call toll-free 1-877-229-8493 and then enter pin number 15429. The legislators will use new technology to communicate with constituents about the issues...
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Legislature must focus on private-sector job creation to restore economy
By Reps. Joel Kretz and Shelly Short It’s not rocket science to figure out that folks need work. Our state’s unemployment rate is now a staggering 9.2 percent. More than 310,000 people are out of work in this state – not counting folks who have simply given up looking...
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Legislators hear from tribe, school and county officials of the need for new Keller ferry
‘Our communities in the area absolutely depend on this ferry and we’ve got to find a way to work together to make this happen,’ says Short Members of the Washington State House Transportation Committee joined local legislators, tribal members, school and county officials, as well as representatives from the Governor’s...
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National energy tax puts jobs, families at risk
OP-ED by Rep. Shelly Short Washington citizens are proud of our state’s tremendous natural resources, abundance of clean, renewable energy and rich history of environmental stewardship. As one of the globe’s cleanest states, emitting less than three-tenths of 1 percent of the world’s carbon, we have a lot to...
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Short expresses concerns about potential cap and trade proposal
Legislation to adopt a cap and trade program for emissions by employers failed to pass the Legislature this year. Even so, Gov. Gregoire continues to spend scarce taxpayer dollars on a regional cap and trade program despite the fact that a national cap and trade program appears inevitable. Rep. Shelly...
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